Donate things you don’t need.
You don’t have to wait until the spring to do major cleaning in your home. Make it a
resolution to go through all of your belongings and sort out what you will no longer use.
Take the pile of unwanted items and donate them to a local charity. This is a
great way to reuse items you no longer need instead of tossing them in the trash.

Learn more about what can and cannot be recycled.

When you sort through all of your stuff, do you find yourself questioning whether something
is recyclable? Many people throw items they’re unsure of in the recycling bin, but if it’s not
recyclable, it could end up contaminating other items or damaging equipment at the recycling
center. So, this New Year, check with Recycling Staff to learn more about what is and is not
recyclable. For example, did you know most recycling centers will not accept plastic grocery
bags, BUT stores with over 10,000sf are mandated to accept them. So take your clean leftover
shopping bags to Shop Rite or Tops. Better yet USE A REUSABLE BAG!

Bring your own containers.
Are you going out for coffee? Bring a reusable mug and ask the coffee shop to use your cup.
The next time you go out to dinner, bring a small reusable container in your bag and ask the
restaurant to put your leftovers in your container. Ulster County has banned the use of
plastic foam takeout containers. Making this small change can help you drastically reduce the
amount of waste you are creating in your day-to-day life.
Have a Happy, Safe and Sustainable New Year.